Monday, November 22, 2010

charaterization and setting in "By the time you read this il'k be dead"

I am reading the book " By the time you read this il'l be dead" this book is based on a girl named Daelyn who is suiciedal and has tried many ways of endinging her life.The teo literary elements that i would like to point out are charaterization and setting.

Charaterization,the book describes Daelyn as a round dynamic character she has proven to be very persistant with ending her life and she shows no signs in backing down,she sneaks things from her parents and even worse she is known as the mute freak at school she and after her last attempt to end her life left he in a neck brace and eating blended she feels like the world doesnt want her.After being betrayed by people claiming to be her friend she doesnt let anybody in and her parents have to chack on her every hour day and night just to make surs that shes alive.

The setting of this novel is home school and her favorite bench near her school where she reads while waiting for her mom to pick her up from school she feels like she is not wanted anywhere but in the grave.At home her parents dont understand her and at school she gets teased and picked on and on the bench shes alone ...until she meets a strange boy can he change her life or is she destined to live as a nobody forever?

1 comment:

  1. The setting of the novel is very unique. It's interesting that Daelyn can not find a home in her home and feels completely isolate in school, but rather that she finds a secure location in a bench outside of her school. Maybe it's possible that she needed to create her own space to "get away" from it all.

    You say that Daelyn is both dynamic and round. In what specific ways does she change? It seems like all she wants to do is end her life. Does something specific happen to give her hope?
