Sunday, December 5, 2010

Review for "Dreamland"

"Dreamland" is a novel that I found I could easily relate to. Caitlin, the main character, goes through tough times. She has to learn to make the right choice to decisions that could affect her while developing into a young adult. Caitlin struggled trying to fit in and be a normal teenage girl after her older sister Cass left. She had to adjust to the loss and take her time to develop into her own person without relying on her sister to make her decisions for her. Caitlin was persuaded into joining the cheerleading squad, which lead to big parties; and then she met Rogerson. Rogerson is not a good example of a type of person any teenager should surround themselves with. He is a bad influence, he gets her to do drugs, which completely changes who Caitlin is.

I feel that this novel achieved my expectations because it was full of life lessons. As I read this story, it reminded me that you cannot always trust everyone. You have to learn to surround yourself with trustworthy people in your life as you're growing up. For example, when Caitlin befriended Rogerson, she did not know what she was getting herself into. He is a bad boy, he influences her to change into a person that nobody can recognize. Throughout the story, Caitlin made some good decisions and some bad decisions. As a part of growing up, she realized what she did wrong and she does everything she can to move on and continue on making better choices.

I think every teenage girl needs to read this novel. I learned so much from this novel, and I think other girls can learn from it too. It really opened my eyes on what could happen if you make one bad choice. I learned that I always have to listen to my head. If I feel something is wrong, it possibly could be. From now on after reading this novel, I will make correct decisions on my own, without the need of other people. This book is very inspiring, I hope everyone else thinks so too!

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